Lighthouse Academy is an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre, which opened its doors in January 2022. We are based on Lochland Farm, in the Theewaterskloof Valley, close to the village of Villiersdorp, Western Cape, South Africa. We serve families within the area who perceive the value of excellent education for their children, yet lack the financial means to fund it. We currently offer Grade RRR – Grade R. Each class has a maximum of 18 children. We plan to offer Grade RRR – Grade 3 by 2027; and to grow into a fully fledged Primary School by 2031.
Staff team

We hope that reading this will impart to you the same sense of excitement for our vision as we feel. Lighthouse Academy is founded upon a deep love for children, and because we are South African, a deep love for the children of South Africa. For many of these young people, hope for the future is not bright. Creating a brighter future, whether it is for the nation, or for just one child, is going to take hard work. But it is a battle that we all need to fight. That is why we have founded Lighthouse Academy.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela